Best practices to protect against cyber attacks
There's a whole range of proactive measures schools can take to safeguard against cyber attacks,...
There's a whole range of proactive measures schools can take to safeguard against cyber attacks,...
IntroductionAs schools face greater scrutiny regarding data protection, and greater cyber security...
By the age of 8, many children already have a significant digital footprint, which can have...
We talk about it a lot - passwords are the weak backbone of current cyber security.
GDPR in Schools Limited (“GDPRiS”), an established provider of cloud-based data protection...
A key thing about the GDPR is its focus on Privacy by Design (accountability) - Article 35(1) of...
As EdTech suppliers, it is crucial for us to determine whether we fall under the category of data...
In July 2023, the EU and the US unveiled their latest endeavour, the...